Blood libel in mainstream Swedish newspapers

Top Swedish Newspaper Aftonbladet says IDF Kills Palestinians for their organs. The original article is here.

Below is a guest piece on EISCA by Arieh Kovler of the Fair Play Campaign Group. Since this piece was written, the editor of Aftonbladet has fallen back on the Livingstone Manoeuvre saying that anybody who criticizes Israel risks being accused of antisemitism.

Recycling Old Libels. By Arieh Kovler.

The Blood Libel is one of the oldest antisemitic charges against Jews: the accusation that Jewish people conspire to kill non-Jews for nefarious purposes. The most common formulation of this lie is that Jews kill a Christian boy in order to use their blood for a ritual of some kind. But many of the earliest recorded blood libels level a slightly different accusation.

In 1909, Prof Hermann Strack of Berlin University wrote The Jew and Human Sacrifice – the first serious scholarly work devoted to exposing the Blood Libel as a dangerous historical lie. It is, unfortunately, still relevant today. Talking about the earliest Blood Libels, he notes (p174):

“In several cases, always assuming the credibility of the tradition, it would be a matter of popular -medical belief … According to the Marbach annals, the Jews of Fulda (when tortured, of course), confess in December, 1235, that they had murdered the miller’s children, ut ex eis sanguinem ad suum remedium elicerent – in order to obtain their blood for medical use“

Strack also highlights the account of Thomas Cantipratanus, a monk writing in about 1270. Thomas claims that all Jews were inflicted with some sort of hidden medical condition as a punishment for killing Jesus:

“A very learned Jew, who in our day has been converted to the [Christian] faith, informs us that one enjoying the reputation of a prophet among them … made the following prediction: ‘Be assured that relief from this secret ailment, to which you are exposed, can be obtained through Christian blood alone’. This suggestion was followed by the ever-blind and impious Jews, who instituted the custom of annually shedding Christian blood in every province, in order that they might recover from their malady.”

In these early Blood Libels, the Jews were accused of killing non-Jewish children to use their bodies for medical reasons.

750 years later, this particular varient of the Blood Libel lives on. On the 17th of August, Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet published an article by Donald Boström under the title “Palestinians accuse the Israeli army of stealing body parts from its victims”. The article strongly suggested that Israel has been stealing organs from Palestinians and both using them to supply Israeli transplant patients and selling them internationally.

The piece presents lots of facts: Many sick people in Israel need organ transplants. In 1992, then-health Minister Ehud Olmert led a drive to encourage Israelis to become organ donors. Some New Jersey Jews are being investigated for their role in an organised crime syndicate, which allegedly includes the buying of human organs from voluntary donors. Palestinians who are killed by the IDF are often autopsied.

From these facts, Boström suggests a massive and macabre international conspiracy in which Israelis and Jews harvest organs from Palestinian victims for gain and profit.

This is an incredibly serious and sickening charge to make. Not only does it recall the blood libels of the past, but it is also a form of the Nazi Card. The dehumanization of Jews by the Nazis was one of the worst features of the Holocaust; The Nazis treated Jews as raw materials rather than people, to be worked, killed or experimented on. The accusation that Israel would use the Palestinian as living organ banks is an inversion of this aspect of the Holocaust thrown back at Jews.

So it’s surprising that David Boström – like the accusers in the Blood Libels 0f old – doesn’t even pretend to offer any real evidence for his claim. Speaking to Israel Radio, he said:

“It concerns me to the extent that I want it to be investigated. But whether it’s true or not – I have no idea, I have no clue.”

Donald Boström is not the first to revive this contemporary twist on the old Blood Libel. He claims rumours of organ theft are common among Palestinians. Perhaps one reason for these rumours is the Iranian TV series Zahra’s Blue Eyes, broadcast in late 2004 and later dubbed for an Arabic audience. The plot involves the IDF conspiring to harvest Palestinians’ eyes for transplant into blind Israelis.

But Aftonbladet is a mainstream left-wing newspaper, not an Iranian propaganda outlet. It has the largest daily circulation of any paper in the Nordic Countries. Nearly one in six of the Swedish population reads it. It is majority-owned by the Swedish Trade Union Confederation, which has input into its editorial line. The paper’s editorial staff read this article, and felt that it was appropriate to run it anyway. Asa Linderborg, an editor on the relevant section of Aftonblade, told Ha’aretz that the newspaper “stands behind the demand for an international inquiry” of Boström’s claims. She also said:

“We had many discussions on whether to publish the article or not, and to the best of my knowledge, there are no facts there that are incorrect.”

And so a major European national newspaper ran a story that is extremely similar in both form and content to a medieval antisemitic slander.

46 Responses to “Blood libel in mainstream Swedish newspapers”

  1. pp Says:

    Thank you for writing this article. It is the best article I have seen in english on the subject. Not even in Sweden are people saying that in fact it is the trade unions or the social demcratic party who should be speaking out about this blood libel. But they are not. The Swedish left is in a state of crisis and “anti-zionism” seems to be the route they are taking out of it. It’s also because many in the swedish left have a political identity based on “world solidarity” from the 1970’s. and they can’t really understand how the world has changed.

  2. Another Observer Says:

    “We had many discussions on whether to publish the article or not, and to the best of my knowledge, there are no facts there that are incorrect.”

    Erm, what “facts”?

    “It concerns me to the extent that I want it to be investigated. But whether it’s true or not – I have no idea, I have no clue.”

  3. Saul Says:

    So, let’s take stock of some recent “facts” about Israel…….

    1. They farm Plaestinians for their organs (blood libel)
    2. They eat babies (blood libel)
    3. They control the mass media and US foreign policy (Protocols)

    Please feel free to add……………..

    But, of course, there is no antisemitism amongst those “critical” of Israel and anyone who raises it are involved in a smeat campaign to silence said “critics”.

    Mind you, it could be, of course, that the allegation of blood libel in Sweded simply points to the “fact” that Jews in Sweden and in Israel are behaving so absolutely evily yhat such lies are both “understandable” and, at the same time, the Jews’ fault.

  4. Atzmon’s Unstinting Racism « ModernityBlog Says:

    […] entries on Wikipedia and Citizendium are updated accordingly, but I somehow doubt it. Update 1: Engage is covering it, and it is possible to make a comment to the editor via this page, Update 2: Jonathan Leman has […]

  5. Omri Says:

    The only just response to this is to publish stories of David Bostrom having procured Cambodian child prostitutes, and then defend the stories with the same excuse. Let this bastard have a dose of his own medicine.

  6. GideonSwort Says:

    A Libel suit to be filed by the MoD?,7340,L-3764930,00.html

    Israel has much to answer for, in its past reluctance to pursue libel cases. Israeli news sites are flooded with infuriated Talkback reactions, some threads spilling over 700 posts at each update. Will this public outrage be converted to legal action? …

    • Gil Says:

      Gideon, not to detract from the sheer vileness of the Swedish article, I wonder how easy it would be for Israel to sue. The question is: Can a State/Government sud for Defamation? If not, can a public official sue in his/her personal capacity.

      In this case it would probably be Barak himself as claimant or/and the Chief of Staff. However, there would be many other procedural obstacles and this is not a path that is easily taken.

      I believe it would be better to fight this antisemitism the court of public opinion.

  7. Comrade T Says:

    Not sure one can libel a state (legally anyway)

  8. JG Campbell Says:

    Robin Sepherd, commenting on Zizek’s implied anti-Israel Nazi slur in Guardian earlier this week, sums up the situation in Europe well:

    “…The denigration of the Jewish state in modern Europe has now become part of such an edifice of hatred and bigotry that there are no longer any taboos. It is now possible to say anything, literally anything, about Israel, however grotesque and defamatory, and to feel no shame, to invite no censure.

    No other state in the world is talked about in such a manner. And yes, it is anti-Semitism. And yes, it’s back.”

  9. ETABORI Says:

    The gutter level that this “newspaper” has sunk. Demands a retraction and an apology so that this story does not go unchallenged and unanswered.
    Charging a mainstream media outlet with anti-Semitism is not something that I do lightly. The article is so outrageous that one has to to question the motivation or agenda behind the writer and the media that chooses to publish it.

    The Blood Libel is one of the oldest anti Semitic charges against Jews: the accusation that Jewish people conspire to kill non-Jews for nefarious purposes. The most common formulation of this lie is that Jews kill a Christian boy in order to use their blood for a ritual

    In these early Blood Libels, the Jews were accused of killing non-Jewish children to use their bodies for medical reasons.

  10. Bill Says:

    Unfortunately, what’s the point of a libel suit anyway? People spread the rumors because they either think they’re true or it works to their cynical advantage. They printed it because they believe it or because it gives them the “copy” they want: something their readers will believe and lap up like kittens to milk. (From what Boström says, it’s the latter.)

    If someone with standing in the story sues for libel (and maybe if you get lucky and win), I’ll betcha that they’ll still stand by it — because a) they really do believe it (not yet at least, according to Boström), b) they must maintain face as “newspapermen” lest their more sane reader base start a cascade people leaving for other rags and then there’s c) worse: they’ll have to start believing their own story so they can look themselves in the mirror after printing what was clearly a classical piece of old-school jew-hatin’.

  11. Comment is unfree Says:

    Gee, those Swedes – they really do hate losing at tennis. Wha’d have thought it??

  12. Karl Pfeifer Says:

    Any lie about Jews and especially the Israeli Army is believed by those antisemites who “are only criticising” Israel.
    So no surprise. However think about the following: a week ago Hamas has attacked a mosque in Rafah, 24 persons were killed, also children.
    Did we hear or read any loud criticism about this? NO
    Imagine IDF would have done such a thing. There would have been a storm of protests.
    those leftwing people publishing blood libel about the Israeli Army are not only antisemites but also antiarab racists. Because they do condone any violence committed by Arabs or/and Muslims

  13. letsgeteven Says:

    The line taken by the Swedish Government is that the Aftonbladet newspaper is entitled to publish its story because there is free speech in Sweden. The Government has not criticized the newspaper, although since there is free speech in Sweden they are legally entitled to.

    By their silence, the Swedish Government is supporting the defamation of Israel. But as far as I know, slander and libel can only be prosecuted when the defamation is against named individuals – that is certainly the case in Britain.

    Israel should retaliate in the political arena. The Swedish Consulate in East Jerusalem should be closed, since it has been a promoter of anti-Israeli agitation and propaganda for many years.

  14. David F Says:

    “Not sure one can libel a state (legally anyway)”

    In theory it’s possible, a recent example being Khasakstan’s complaint against Sacha Baron Cohen’s Borat character, which although never arised in litigation certainly seemed to hint at a cause of action in defamation.

  15. Karl Pfeifer Says:

    By the way Aftonbladet is a social democratic daily.

  16. Gilian Wolinsky Says:

    “Not sure one can libel a state (legally anyway)”

    probably not, but you can libel a people.

  17. GideonSwort Says:

    This is fast turning into an “diplomatic incident”, reports suggesting that (unnamed) Israeli officials are implying that Swedish Diplomats may not be welcomed in Israel.

    Lieberman blabbing incoherently about Lutherans and modern day antisemitism.

    As to a writ, Israeli MSM pundits have been speculating that one may be claimed on behalf of Israeli soldiers that served at the time, or on behalf of IDF’s chief.

    Anyways, the lesson to be learned here, is that Swedish freedom of the press is only limited by Mohamed cartoons.

  18. Sunday Links « The New Centrist Says:

    […] Engage covers the Blood Libel in Sweden […]

  19. modernityblog Says:

    On a slightly different topic, this story needs coverage, Swedes Harvest Norwegian Fishermen’s Feet.

  20. omadeon Says:

    I think that such accusations are common these days. I have spent a lot of time dealing with Carla Del Ponte’s case against organ-trafficking in Kosovo / Albania. This does NOT mean, however, that I believe everything; I just consider that particular case worthy of SERIOUS investigation (and the refusal of Albania to cooperate with Dick Marty and the CoE extremely troublesome).

    The fact that such allegations against Israel too, coincide with traditional “blood-libel” is not surprising, but it says _nothing_ about the truth or falsity of the allegations. Presumably, it is preposterous, extremely unlikely that such things, EVEN IF TRUE, involve Israreli authorities or anyone other than a bunch of very few criminals possibly doing organ-trafficking (without the IDF explicitly involved).

    But… DO the allegations contain hints of possible evidence, possible ways of investigation, etc.? THIS is the thing that matters, IMHO.

  21. Absolute Observer Says:

    “Anyways, the lesson to be learned here, is that Swedish freedom of the press is only limited by Mohamed cartoons.”

    Oh yes! Those lucky, powerful Muslims! Gosh, they run Europe and no-one dare criticise them.

    Now, where have I heard that before. Oh yes, I recall, from antisemites when they talk about Jews.

    Swort’s comment is typical about the myopia that surrounds the questions and complexities of antisemitism and Islamophobia, its differences and similarities, and, instead, reduces it to unthinking, superficual, banal and purile statements.

    • GideonSwort Says:

      “Oh yes! Those lucky, powerful Muslims! Gosh, they run Europe and no-one dare criticise them”.

      Really? Is that a fact or your opinion?

      “Now, where have I heard that before. Oh yes, I recall, from antisemites when they talk about Jews.”

      Keep in close touch with these mates of yours?

      As I was saying, Sweden’s F Ministry and security service Säpo shut down Sverigedemokraterna’s web site which displayed Mohamed cartoons, till removed. Säpo explained its concerns for the safety of Swedish citizens abroad and the mounting threats against the staff of the company that hosted the website. So, is it selective freedom of speech or no apparent threats from the blood libel’s injured party?

      “Swort’s comment is typical about the myopia that surrounds the questions…”

      On yer tricycle Formicidae Urea.

  22. Absolute Observer Says:

    “The fact that such allegations against Israel too, coincide with traditional “blood-libel” is not surprising, but it says _nothing_ about the truth or falsity of the allegations.”

    So that is how it works now. You make something up [the article states that it does not know if it is true or not) and then demand an inquiry and then, in the face of no evidence, keep going with, “well, there is probably no evidence, but, we better check anyway”. Israel legitimately refuses to engage with such an inquiry and, then, questions are asked that, “if they have nothing to hide” then why not co-operate? After all (it will be said) there is no smoke without fire”? And, innuendo and falsehood become “fact”. (See the myth of Jenin that still gets recycled).

    In 1916, the “story” went round that Jews were evading national service in Germany. The government made a survey. It was not released. It proved no such evasion, but still the story was taken as “fact”.

    Indeed, I was chatting to someone who knows “omadeon” has a penchant for children between 7-9. He or she offered no evidence whatsoever, but, allegations of child abuse are quite common, so, it is perfectly possible it is true. I assume that should the authorities become aware of such allegations, they will investigate omadeon. After all, “mere investigation” is hardly guilt, so he or she has nothing to hide! Protection of children is paramount. THIS is the thing that matters.
    (needless to say, this whole last paragraph is fictional, I have no idea whatsoever if omeadon is, or is not, a pedophile.).

    Omedon makes the red-top press appear to ooze integrity.
    No matter who articulate comments appear, the content remains the same – “Sure, the blood libel is a lie, but maybe this time it is true”. GFY.

  23. Absolute Observer Says:

    Rule no.1 of blogs on Israel, Jews and antisemitism.
    Never trust a webpage with an antisemite in a prominent position (UCU members might remember this more often).

    Considering the first thing one sees on omedon’s webpage is an ad for Theodorakis I am not surprised he or she buys into every antisemitic myth there is and then tries to rationalise it as if it is worthy of comment and question.

  24. Comrade T Says:

    I note our rational friend left his comments on this thread and not on the post regarding the fabrication by the far-right of the myth of “Muslims” and the heroine trade.

    Apparently, for omedeon only antisemitic myths produced by a “left” paper are worth investigating, but not Islamophobes myths. perpetuated by the far-right. (needless to say, both should be treated as they are, delusions of hatred – of which, as is clearly evidenced by this story, is not the sole property of the right). Oh, and talking of omedeon – I note he has a pean to Chomsky on his page – now, what Introduction to what book did he write? Oh, yes, Holocaust denial. So much for political judgement!

  25. Saul Says:

    The source of the myth,

    What the gullible omedeon does not understand is that the story only has purchase because of its antisemitic genealogy (as with Zionists control the US foreign policy, the media, etc. and so forth).

    And I love the “explicitly” in his above comment.

    • omadeon Says:

      Well, it’s an amazing article, you posted under this link.

      I rub my eyes finding hard to believe that the Swedish newspaper published their “news” on the basis of SUCH total fabrications (from Iran) but… I learn to be less gullible every day.

      There is EXPLICITLY NOTHING in other words. No source, no facts….

  26. James Mendelsohn Says:

    Off topic… I keep reading the claim (on CiF & elsewhere) that Israel receives significant amounts of Western/ US aid. Is there any truth in this whatsoever?

  27. omadeon Says:

    I think many people here misunderstood what I said and also exercised their right to… extreme bias (against me) for NOTHING.

    1) Firstly, I am NOT advertising Mikis Theodorakis, but my… own remixes of his music, offered FREE of charge.

    2) Secondly, I do NOT identify with Mikis’ unfortunate anti-Jewish statements, go read the dialogue about these statements in a Greek Jewish friend’s blog:
    (I am KNOWN for my campaign against antisemitism in the Greek blogosphere; as for my criticisms of Israel they are based on JEWISH criticisms against Israel’s policy, STRICTLY by the book to EXCLUDE antisemitism. Read also my strong condemnation of holocaust denial by Arabs, in MANY words and many posts, by using “search” – IF you have time).

    3) Thirdly, I made it CLEAR that I consider it preposterous to claim that Israel’s authorities or Army are doing organ traffiicking. IF there are, however, SOME criminals who do such horrible things in Israel (or ANYWHERE) this IS possible, IF there exist facts to suggest the need for an investigation.

    So? WHAT is the problem (with what I said)?

    The fact that the blood libel coincides with these allegations makes them worse; but we have to distinguish between this and the general problem of organ trafficking throughout the whole world, which has INCREASED in recent years. And we CANNOT exclude a possibility that such criminals exist ANYWHERE, including Israel.

  28. omadeon Says:

    P.S. Would the person who ASSUMED I am an antisemite because of my… remixes of Mikis Theodorakis’ music, take a look at THIS post, too?
    (it was a long time ago, of course).

    (Abravanel is a Greek Jewish poster, with whom I generally agree on most issues; we HAVE an antisemitism problem in Greece, and I have stood by his side, in subsequent posts).

  29. omadeon Says:

    P.S.2 “Absolute observer”
    You are clearly… far too absolute.

    It IS true that Mikis, in his old age, HAS been influenced by ideas that are more-or-less antisemitic and HAS made statements that CAN be described as antisemitic. He also made other mistakes; e.g. write articles in a very extreme “Red-Black” greek magazine. In fact his is a LONG story, which made me feel very sad, and it also… destroyed my initial OFFICIAL cooperation with Mikis Theodorakis, doing remixes of his music; I am talking about the bad INFLUENCES on Mikis’ thinking by people in his own environment and also by some materail he READS…

    I have known Mikis personally, and I can’t convince you (of course) that his case is TOO complicated to be dismissed at once as 100% antisemitic. The fact that he WAS influenced, would pass unnoticed if he hadn’t expressed himself in rather unfortunate ways, in public. ANY old man could make the same mistake, but he is not forgiven because people expect TOO MUCH of him…

    As regards this post now,
    Associating the blood libel with organ-trafficking is IRRELEVANT to the truth or falsity of organ-trafficking. If these allegations are fabricated, I stand by your side. If, however, there ARE such criminals in Israel, I simply do NOT believe they are part of Israel’s policy. THIS IS PREPOSTEROUS and there isn’t ONE Jewish israeli official of any worth who would cooperate with organ-trafficking…

  30. When blood libel becomes part of ‘kultur’ « Engage – the anti-racist campaign against antisemitism Says:

    […] August 25, 2009 — Mira Vogel Petra Marquardt-Bigman reflects on the appearance (about which we posted previously) of an old libel in the Kulture section of a Swedish newspaper, and considers thinkers […]

  31. Brian Goldfarb Says:

    No-one has mentioned it, but does Sweden have the equivalent of the UK Press Council? Not terribly effective here, but it does ocassionally make papers retract and even offer apologies.

    Might help.

  32. Absolute Observer Says:

    As to the matter of the blood libel of Israel/Jews. You just don’t get it, do you? You really have no idea about antisemitism in the slightest do you (as evidenced also by your absurd “defence” that you only use “Jewish” critics and think that arguing against “Holocaust denial” is considered a badge of honour in the fight against antisemitism). You think that a claim that began hundreds of years ago, rejuvinated a few years back in Iran and now pushed by an anti-Zionist (and, by definition, antisemitic) newspaper (of the left) just happens by chance to raise the accusation again at this moment. And, to show your ignorance of what you speak, you interpret the paper’s article as meaning just some people who happen to be Israeli and not Israel.

    Indeed, you seem quite adept at justifying what should be opposed as a matter of principle by all antiracists and socialists, don’t you? I mean, look at the following defence of an antisemite. His expression of the hatred of Jews was made in
    “unfortunate ways”. Indeed, “ANY old man could make the same mistake”. My, never heard those defences of an antisemite before.

    And, as I say, do you demand an inquiry that Muslims control the heroine trade; that Muslims “groom” white girls for prostitution on the grounds that, whilst it may not be “Muslims” per se, some Muslims may be involved. Or do you do what anyone with an ounce of integrity does and expose those tales for what they are – racist hatred?

    You may not be malicious, but you are certainly a fool.

  33. Absolute Observer Says:

    And, whilst on the subject of racism. Omedeon, you really should trust non-Jews more. Not all non-Jews are antisemitic, you know.

    Between you and me, some even have some very interesting and perceptive things to say about Israel and its shortcomings.
    Are you that insecure or lacking in judgement that you have to rely on the identity of the writer whether you link to it on your webpage, because you seem to think that if they are “Jewish”, well, then, they are beyond reproach?

    (I am reminded here of Sue Blackwell who having posted a link to an overt antisemite, made the “defence” that it was only when one of her “Jewish” friends told her about it, did she take the link down, because she didn’t see it herself! I kid you not (as if anti-antisemitism is a secret code only Jews can break!).

    A word of advice, Israel is not a Jewish/non-Jewish issue. It is a political issue that racists want to make a “Jewish” (or “Muslim”) issue. PROUDLY stating that YOU ONLY use “Jewish” critics merely highlights how much you have to learn, not about “Jews” not about “Old antisemitic Greek men”, but about racism and antisemitism and how to combat it.

    But, I doubt you will.

    • omadeon Says:

      Absolute Observer,
      I think you are projecting HEAVILY, in all your comments.

      It seems you revel in sheer demonisation, which is like the “basic molecule” of racism, BTW; without demonisation, as a deep psychological mechanism, neither racism nor antisemitism could exist in the first place.

      My phrase was “as for my criticisms of Israel they are based on JEWISH criticisms against Israel’s policy”. I.e.
      Being “based” is NOT an exclusive statement: There are of course many other critics, too.
      I just deliberately choose to base myself on MOSTLY Jewish critics of Israel, for the simple reason that their criticisms are MORE LIKELY to be more reliable, as well as less antisemitic.

      And, as I say, do you demand an inquiry that Muslims control the heroine trade; that Muslims “groom” white girls for prostitution on the grounds that, whilst it may not be “Muslims” per se, some Muslims may be involved. Or do you do what anyone with an ounce of integrity does and expose those tales for what they are – racist hatred?

      This is FICTION, on your part. I think you make a big effort IMAGINING things (and enemies).

      Indeed, you seem quite adept at justifying what should be opposed as a matter of principle by all antiracists and socialists, don’t you?

      WHO justified WHAT? I do NOT justify antisemitic ideas or statements, by any means. But I avoid…. hating someone whose ideas during all his life have been anti-racist and only a couple of statements in his old age contain antisemitic influences. Someone who -moreover- is a composer of great talent and a socialist all his life. Someone who I happen to KNOW first-hand as well and have discussed in hundreds of pages.

      I mean, look at the following defence of an antisemite. His expression of the hatred of Jews was made in “unfortunate ways”. Indeed, “ANY old man could make the same mistake”. My, never heard those defences of an antisemite before.

      Maybe… because you are NOT talking to an… antisemite? 🙂
      Or because you don’t know much about Mikis Theodorakis.

      “Ignorance is not something to be ashamed of, but the prerequisite of wisdom” – G.S. Brown.

  34. Absolute Observer Says:

    “I just deliberately choose to base myself on MOSTLY Jewish critics of Israel, for the simple reason that their criticisms are MORE LIKELY to be more reliable, as well as less antisemitic.”

    What is the evidence for this “belief”? I tend to go by what people say, not who they are. It’s called political judgement and political responsibility. btw. how do you know if they are “Jewish” or not?

    Again the defence that your bestest friend was “influenced”, was “a great composer” and a “socialist all his life” means that one can overlook his “couple of statements” – a bit like one can only be a “bit pregnant” one assumes. Neither being a “great composer” (see Wagner) nor a “socialist” (see the SWP) is an antedote to antisemitism. However, he is your friend and you are loyal to him. That is your business; for the rest, we only have his words about Jews being the root of all evil.

    You misuderstood completely my point about Islamophobia.
    I cannot be bothered to explain it again.

    And, finally, I have no idea if you are an antisemite or not. You evidently do not think you are, which is good enough for me. However, as your comments about this blood libel show, you really do not know that much about antisemitism at all.

    Anyway, off you go and continue to be a shining example of understanding and wisdom to all your “Greek friends” (as you put it in another thread). Where would they be without your profound intelligence and political awareness?? After all, in the kingdom of the blind the one-eyed man is king.

    “There is nothing more pathetic as the ignorance of the educated.” A. O.

  35. Absolute Observer Says:

    “I do NOT justify antisemitic ideas or statements, by any means.”


    “I have known Mikis personally, and I can’t convince you (of course) that his case is TOO complicated to be dismissed at once as 100% antisemitic. The fact that he WAS influenced, would pass unnoticed if he hadn’t expressed himself in rather unfortunate ways, in public. ANY old man could make the same mistake, but he is not forgiven because people expect TOO MUCH of him…”

  36. Australian unionist Says:

    I am disgusted that this article was allowed to be published. I have lived in Norway and this would not be allowed there. Free speach is a right that all humans should have and uphold, but this sort of rubbish is vile and in the extreme reminds me of the disgusting Nazi propoganda. Shame Afton Bladet, retract this vile publication and appologise to the Isralei people.

  37. Absolute Observer Says:

    Australian Unionist.
    Well put. Of course, this type of libel both predates and antedates nazism.
    Indeed, for many antisemites and antizionists, the benchmark for anti-Jewish sentiment is the nazis, as if only gas chambers and genocide is antisemitism and lies about everything else “free speech”.

  38. hasan prishtina Says:

    Omadeon, while you excuse yourself from anti-semitism by saying you only use “Jewish” sources in your consideration of this blood libel and other matters pertaining to Israel and Jews, I rather doubt that you extend the same courtesy to Albanians.

    That you see Albania’s refusal to co-operate with investigations should be seen as “extremely troublesome” should be seen in the light of your wish to have the IDF explain what it has or hasn’t done in the way of harvesting organs. And that these allegations originate with people who in one case systematically libelled Albanians as rapists without a shred of evidence and in the other claimed, among other things, that they murdered Palestinian children to use their blood and distributed chewing-gum to increase Palestinian libido, without the slightest foundation.

  39. Baroness Tonge And Organ Harvesting. « ModernityBlog Says:

    […] find it even harder to understand why a Liberal peer would give any credence to this nonsense and not appreciate its historical significance, to […]

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