Israelis excluded from cycle race in Turkey

Click here for the story from YnetNews.

No doubt the Israeli cyclists will be happy to learn that their exclusion wasn’t antisemitic, it was simply critical of Israel.


Left Foot Forward on UCU and antisemitism

‘Simply Jews’ call the Brits to action

“…British Jews currently have no viable leadership to combat manifestations of modern antisemitism. Their lot has been thrown in with Israel and Zionism whether they subscribe to Israel’s defense or not. The community’s lack of action against institutionalized racism in Britain has led to a situation whereby any self defense measure is immediately related to actions taken by an all powerful lobby, or a tacit pro-Israel stance. Complaining about racism for a British Jew, whether pro-Israel or not has now become impossible, and is invalidated by default as a de-facto misuse of the antisemitism “trope” to blacken tarnish the racist offender.”

“Until Jewish organizations make a pragmatic choice to battle this type of reversed logic racism, we will continue to witness  Jews losing their legal and human rights as their voices are drowned by loud racist waves of legitimized Antisemitism.”

“We therefore call on British Jews to step up in their own defense, waken the established Jewish organizations into action and reestablish Antisemitism as racism.”

The whole piece is here, on Simply Jews.